SvelteKit Starter template with Typescript, Postcss, scss, TailwindCSS, Storybook, husky, and eslint.
Blog Starter built with SvelteKit and Love. 100 Lighthouse, SEO, Post tags and TOC, Atom feed, Sitemap, PWA, image optimisation, Giscus, UnoCSS, typesafe-i18n
SvelteKit Blog Starter template with Typescript, Postcss, scss, TailwindCSS, Storybook, husky, and eslint. The template is free to use and developers are welcome to contribute to it.
A fully working SEO optimized i18n template
A minimalistic blog theme built with SvelteKit and mdsvex.
SvelteKit blog powered with mdsvex, json schema support, sitemap.xml, RSS-feed and other tools required for good SEO.